Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Thanksgiving Break

My school district starts school around the 20th of August, far earlier than the post-Labor Day starts I remember from childhood. We get out after the 2nd week of June, about a week later than what I remember from childhood. What's up with that?

In days of yore (that's before 'colonial times') (and that's an inside joke) we only got the Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week off school. My current district gives us the entire week off--next week. It's hard to believe that next week is Thanksgiving.

Why, you ask? Well, here in Northern California, the average high temperature has been about 75 degrees this week. And as I look out my window I see nothing but blue sky.

Usually in mid-November it's crisp here in the capital city. But except for a day or two of rain several weeks ago it's been very mild here. Only the long shadows give any hint that it's not the end of September.

I'm not complaining. I like the fact that I get all next week off! But it certainly doesn't seem so close to Thanksgiving.


  1. Anonymous12:44 AM


    Would you believe that I saw these strange gray puffy thinigs in the sky earlier this week...and a couple of times I woke up to the shcoking sight of rain falling from the sky...and water on the ALGORE, this has to be global warming! :)

  2. For those of you wondering why Mike T's comment is surprising, it's because he's in the Middle East.

  3. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Now, is 'yore' before or after 'yesteryear?' I keep forgetting. . .

  4. Thankfully, we get a week off too, for the "Thanksgiving Break". I remember back in the days of my youth in rural California, we also used to get only the Thurs. and Friday of "Thanksgiving" off, BUT, we also got out of school for Labor Day, Calif. Admissions Day and Columbus Day.

    I NEED the break.......

  5. Ah yes, California Admission Day. September 9th. Usually the beginning of the 2nd week of school (the first week was Labor Day week) so the first two weeks of school were 4-day weeks. Nice.

    But I'm not going to complain about the week off!
