Saturday, September 03, 2005

Now We Have Two Supreme Court Openings

RIP, Chief Justice Rehnquist.

Now we have Roberts, who will potentially replace O'Connor, and some as-yet-unnamed person to fill Rehnquist's seat. Will the President nominate someone to automatically be Chief Justice, or might we soon have Chief Justice Scalia or Chief Justice Thomas?

Update, 9/5/05 10:37 am: Now this is interesting. The President is nominating John Roberts to succeed Rehnquist. I wonder who will replace O'Connor then....


  1. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Please, oh please let it be Scalia, with someone more originalist than he (could it be?) to replace his vacated seat.

  2. By Thomas, surely you don't mean Clarence Thomas? Also known as 'The Great Silent One'. I mean, I know you wrote that just to jack me up, right? Right?

  3. I heard Thomas' name bandied about before O'Connor retired, as a possible new Chief Justice--Rehnquist was expected to retire at the end of the term, remember?

    And no, Phyllis, I wouldn't say anything in here specifically to jack you up--unless you threaten to report me to my union for posting lewd links on my blog! :-)

  4. Anonymous7:23 PM

    The man's body isn't even cold yet.

    Have some respect.

  5. I see nothing here disrespectful towards Rehnquist. Discussing replacements, even in a playful manner, is fair game now, just as it has been for the last several months.

    Sometimes people seem to have their panties in a bunch.

  6. I nominate Judge Judy. :)

  7. Someday perhaps I'll tell the story of when I was called by the producer of Judge Judy, asking if I'd go on the show.

    I wish I could talk about the time I was invited onto Fox's Hannity and Colmes, but sometimes it's best to just let sleeping dogs lie.


  8. Judge Judy--that's given me one of my few laughs today. It's not that she isn't a great judge, because she is (love her take no crap demeanor). I'm just imagining the confirmation hearings, with her telling Arlen Spector not to piss on her leg and try to tell her it's raining.

  9. I'm beginning to think most Senators, of both parties, could use some straight talk like that.
