Friday, September 02, 2005

CTA Is Spending Big Bucks

They say that education spending has been cut, they're raising my dues (I'll soon be paying $1000 every 10 months for combined NEA/CTA/local dues) despite the fact that my pay is stagnant--and for what are they doing? Dropping $21 million dollars this week to fight the reform initiatives backed by Governor Schwarzenegger.

SACRAMENTO (AP) - The California Teachers Association, among the most vocal opponents of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's special election initiatives, contributed $21 million this week to groups campaigning against the governor....

Since July 1, the California Teachers Association has given $10.1 million to the Alliance for a Better California, a coalition of the state's largest labor unions. This week, the union contributed an additional $21 million to campaigns opposing three initiatives they believe are political threats, two of which Schwarzenegger is backing:

- $8 million to oppose Proposition 76, which would impose a cap on state spending and give the governor more authority to make midyear budget cuts.

- $5 million to oppose Proposition 74, which would require teachers to work longer to end their probationary terms.

- $8 million to oppose Proposition 75, which would require unions to get written permission from their members before dues could be used for political purposes. Schwarzenegger has not said whether he endorses this measure, but it was placed on the ballot by his supporters.

"These measures attack every part of public schools and students," said teachers union president Barbara Kerr. "Proposition 74 attacks our ability to get new and qualified teachers. Proposition 75 takes away our ability to tell the public what is good and what is bad for schools. And Proposition 76 makes it impossible to budget and get the money we need for schools."

Don't you just love Boss Kerr's rationale for opposing Prop 75?

Via the major Sacramento newspaper.

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