Friday, July 15, 2005

THIS Can Happen To You...

...if you drop out of high school.

Staley, 18, is accused of taking the [American] flag from a residence and setting it on fire. His father said the teenager "has no reason for anger against the United States" and could easily have ignited a garbage can instead of a flag.

"He was brought up in church, and he knows right from wrong," Doc Staley said.

Doc Staley said his son has been "floundering around" since dropping out of high school. "This is where the drinking came in. And he's not very good at it," the father said.

It's pretty bad if you can't even be good at drinking.

Read the whole thing here.


  1. Hmmm...I know some people who are VERY good at drinking. I don't know if you get bragging rights either way.

    Now there's a conundrum.

  2. His dad does seem to have *his* act together. Perhaps, every once in awhile, the apple *does* fall far from the tree.

    Or this kid his hit rock bottom and can do nothing now but improve. Let's hope.
