Saturday, July 16, 2005

Happy Birthday

Today is my son's 9th birthday. We've cleaned this morning and picked up his birthday cookie--he's not too much into cake, so we got a 16" decorated chocolate cookie from Mrs. Fields. For the party we'll have that and root beer floats. Low key, but yummy!

As a result, blogging will be light to non-existent for the rest of the day. And I'll be out hiking tomorrow. Fear not, though--Math For Social Justice, Part II is in the works!


  1. Pete: thanks for reminding me that even though you're wrong about everything you type here {bseg}, you're still a human and maybe even a decent person!

    As for everyone else--the party's over, the cleanup is mostly done, and I'm off to a friend's for a dinner and then an early start for tomorrow's hike.


  2. Can't beat those Mrs. Fields cookies! Many happy returns to your son :-) Especially many happy returns to the Mrs. Fields store!
