Wednesday, August 02, 2023

The Library

I went to my local public library today.  It had been many years since I've been there, and things were quite different.

It's a small thing that the location of the circulation desk had moved.  What really surprised me was the lack of books!  When I went to that library as a teenager, it was crammed with books and reference materials and newspapers and the like.  Now there are very few books on the shelves, and not one but two apps that can be used to download ebooks or audiobooks.  I noticed they have "my series" in one of the apps, and since I've already bought the first 8 of the 20-book series, I think I'll save the rest of my money.

So it seems that the library is now a place for "information" rather than for "books", and that's ok.  What really shocked me was the other things you could borrow from the library.  Power tools and a weed eater?  Really?  That's an odd library to me!

I should probably go there more often.  Not only was it sort of fun learning what a 2020's library is and does, I can probably save a few dollars on things I'd otherwise buy.


  1. Books are expensive to acquire and store (shelf space, climate control, etc.), and some become outdated within a few years. So I can see the cost saving measures enacted there by having fewer books.

  2. Libraries figured out they had to come up with a reason to exist when it was becoming clear that books weren't going to be a hot ticket. My sister, who is in a more rural area, goes to the library to get free seeds for flowers and vegetables. Now, they are handing out free vegetables.

    The big library downtown, has 3-D printers and a maker space.

    When you retire in a few years, it will be all pickleball and visiting the library.

  3. Anna A2:40 AM

    What happens at my local libraries is that culled books go to their book sales and they do get a slight amount of money back.

    Some of the other things that my branch does is summer lunches for children and all sorts of craft lessons, lectures such as on local ghosts. I'm spoiled because I'm connected to 5 counties of libraries, so a book/CD that is part of another's collection, I can borrow from mine.
