Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Start of the School Year

Can you believe that I've already been back to work, and our students start on Thursday?  It's so early!

It's already turning out to be an "interesting" start to the new year.  Students haven't been able to pick up textbooks yet, and there are as yet no teacher books for some of our newly-adopted math books.  By far the wildest challenge, though, is our lack of bathrooms.  Specifically, toilets.

Last spring our school got all new matching furniture.  Over the summer, among other projects, every classroom was to get carpeting, and other areas (staff lounges, cafeteria, restrooms) got new flooring.  To put in new flooring, though, toilets had to be removed.  As of today the vast majority of them had not been replaced--and as I said, almost 2000 students show up Thursday.

You can see why the sentiment "may you live in interesting times" was intended to be a curse.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that seems so early! Can your district rent honey buckets for a couple of days?
