Thursday, August 10, 2023

Believe It Or Not...

Every toilet but one was installed before the work crews left last night.

The parking lot expansion isn't done, but as lot of kids haven't gotten their licenses yet so early in the school year, it didn't affect us.  It's supposed to be done next week.

We still don't have books.  Well, we have books, but there stacked floor to ceiling in our book room until we get someone in there to put them into our system and check them out to students.  Most of my classes' textbooks are available online after students complete a signup process, maybe I'll just start classes normally on Monday and just expect them to look up the books on the web site until we can get them issued.

My students who are dual-enrolled in a local community college class are largely clueless about what to do, they haven't heard from the college at all.  Even our counselors can't get through to the dual-enrollment office at the college, it seems they're a little behind schedule in enrolling our students.  Fortunately the college classes don't begin until a week from Monday, so there's still some time.

As is always the case on the first day of school, my students were friendly and respectful.  I'll do my part to keep them that way as long as possible!

I warned all of them, though:  do not mess with the freshmen.  The freshmen are a protected class, I am looking out for them.  After all, we have something in common--when they graduate, I graduate.  Only 4 years left for me!

Today was the first day of school for students.  Tomorrow is our first dance and first football game!  Only supposed to get to the low 90s tomorrow, but into the 100s starting Monday.  School should not start this early in August.

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