Saturday, July 08, 2023

Majority Doesn't Always Dictate

No, the majority doesn't dictate when it comes to the rights of the minority--rights win out.  But what if it's not a matter of rights, but of preference?

Democrats pose as the champions of democracy—except when democracy doesn’t go their way. After 84% of parents in a Virginia county rejected co-ed sex education and gender ideology in schools, the taxpayer-funded school board dismissively announced that “the majority doesn’t always dictate"...

Despite being paid by taxpayer funds and thus being employees of the district’s parents, the school board has rejected poll results showing that parents in the county overwhelmingly reject gender ideology in schools and combining sex education for boys and girls from fourth grade onwards...

The county’s school superintendent, Michelle Reid, dismissed the survey’s results with the ridiculous remark: “Honestly, the majority doesn’t always dictate, right?”

Indoctrination über alles. 

UpdateJoanne provides a little more information:

Fairfax County, Virginia surveyed the community on plans to mix boys and girls in sex-ed classes in grades starting in fourth grade, reports Nick Minock for 7News. More than 84 percent said "no," as did teachers (100 to 14) and students (60-20).

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