Wednesday, June 07, 2023

The Last Time

Have you seen that meme that says something like, "There was that last time you and all your childhood friends went out to play together, and none of you knew it was the last time."  I guess it's supposed to be nostalgic.

Yesterday was our last day of school with students.  Today was a teacher work day, and I slept in a bit before going in to work to prepare my classroom for the summer.  All the tile is being torn out and carpeting will be put in, so I had to "put everything away" so the furniture could be moved.  I pulled into the parking lot, which wasn't anywhere near full...and someone was in my spot.

The parking lot is being expanded, resurfaced, and even reoriented over the summer.

Yesterday was my last time parking in my spot, and I didn't know it at the time.

Yes, it's summer vacation now, but we go back to work on August 7th or 8th.  August 7th or 8th.  Exactly 2 months to recharge those batteries.

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