Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Nuclear Power

Sweden is moving in the right direction:

Sweden's parliament on Tuesday adopted a new energy target, giving the right-wing government the green light to push forward with plans to build new nuclear plants in a country that voted 40 years ago to phase out atomic power.

Changing the target to "100% fossil-free" electricity, from "100% renewable" is key to the government's plan to meet an expected doubling of electricity demand to around 300 TwH by 2040 and reach net zero emissions by 2045.

"This creates the conditions for nuclear power," Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson said in parliament. "We need more electricity production, we need clean electricity and we need a stable energy system."

Anyone who claims to be an "environmentalist" but doesn't support nuclear power is just a poser.  Even Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, supports nuclear energy.


  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

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