Sunday, June 11, 2023

Muslims and Gay Pride In The News

Who wins the oppression Olympics here?

What happened: A group of adorable Muslim children stomped all over the LGBTQQIP2SAA+ Pride Flag on Friday at an "education over indoctrination" protest in Ottawa, Canada.

• "Leave our kids alone!" shouted a woman wearing a traditional headscarf who appeared to be the mother of one of the children.

Why it matters: Posting a video of Muslim children stomping all over the American flag would be considered "Islamophobic," but Muslim kids stomping on a Pride Flag is more challenging because it involves two "oppressed" minorities.

• Woke liberals are temperamentally ill-equipped to process this kind of situation. To feel morally superior, they convince themselves that white Christians are the only ones who disagree with their radical ideology.

I thought Canadians were supposed to be oh-so-polite

A female teacher in Alberta, Canada recently was recorded blasting Muslim students in her class for skipping school during Pride-themed events — telling them that if they continued, they “can’t be Canadian” and “don’t belong” in the country.

The unnamed teacher from Londonderry School attempted to guilt-trip the students by noting their classmates showed up for them during Ramadan: “They’re showing respect to the class — for your religion.”

“It goes two ways,” the teacher continued. “If you want to be respected for who you are, if you don’t want to suffer prejudice for your religion, your color of skin or whatever, then you better give it back to people who are different from you. That’s how it works. It’s an exchange.”

The teacher noted that other countries execute homosexuals, and that if anyone in the class shared that belief they should leave the country.

Very interesting. 

Update, 6/12/23:  And in Maryland:

A Democrat Maryland elected official apologized in a Sunday afternoon statement addressed to the Muslim community days after she blasted their children who spoke against an LGBTQ+ curriculum at a Montgomery County Public Schools board meeting as being aligned with "White supremacists."

Kristin Mink, a Montgomery County council member and former public school teacher at MCPS, maintained in her apology statement that her Tuesday board of education meeting remarks were "focused on promoting inclusion." 

"[My remarks] created an opportunity for misunderstanding and mischaracterization," she said. "I apologize for the hurt that caused in the Muslim community." 

Muslim children at the Montgomery County Public Schools district had been speaking out against their parents' inability to opt them out of LGBTQ+ lessons they deemed violated their faith at the meeting.

Update, 6/21/23:  And then there's jolly old England, although these stories don't necessarily involve Muslims:

Parents have lodged a formal complaint with the principal of a school in the U.K. regarding a lecture during which a teacher told students they would be "dealt with severely" if they object to being instructed about LGBTQ relationships.

The complaint comes after students secretly recorded their teacher at Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy in London as he berated anyone who would speak out against the LGBTQ curriculum, according to the London-based nonprofit Christian Legal Centre.

The unidentified teacher, who suggested he identifies with the LGBTQ community, also explained to students how he is "a good human being" and that anyone who objects to the instruction is effectively violating British values by claiming they do not value him.  link


Following the lesson one of the students asked a classmate: “How can you identify as a cat when you’re a girl?”

The teacher told the students they were being reported to school administrators and would no longer be welcome at the school if they continued to express the view that only boys and girls exist, according to a recording of the exchange.

In the clip, taken by one of the students, the teacher starts off by saying, “How dare you, you’ve just really upset someone” by “questioning their identity,” according to The Telegraph.

The student replies: “If they want to identify as a cat or something then they are genuinely unwell – crazy.”

The teacher then asks the young girls where they got the idea that there are only two genders.  link


  1. Yeah, some crocodile tears and an apology...but no actual consequences, and I bet she'll go right back to her old ways in just a few weeks, after the news cycle fades out.

  2. I am no expert on the grievance hierarchy, but women must be on the lowest level because swinging dicks are allowed in women's locker rooms and nobody cares that lady sports are being crushed.

    Gays and lesbians don't count for much since gay and lesbian children are being persuaded to be trans.

    Muslims are pretty far up the pyramid because the intellectuals don't much care that Islamic countries still oppress women and throw gay people off buildings.

    My guess is that transgenders are on top of the pyramid, but Muslims don't give a shit because there are a lot of them and they are used to pissing people off. Assimilated Muslims in America may be enjoying this because now they have something to talk to the Christians about.

    This would all be good fun if it was happening in someone else's country.
