Sunday, June 04, 2023

In Vermont They Can Still Criticize Having Boys Compete In Girls' Sports

First, the good news:

In October of last year, a school in Randolph, Vermont, became the center of controversy when some female athletes objected to sharing their locker room with a biological male.

The female students were banned from their own locker room, and the father of one of the students was suspended from his coaching job at the middle school for defending his daughter.

The school has now been forced to settle with the Allen family.

Now, the bad news:

That settlement requires that the Vermont School Boards Insurance Trust pay $125,000 in damages and attorneys’ fees and costs to Travis Allen and Jessica Allen, on behalf of their daughter, Blake Allen, and their attorneys with the Alliance Defending Freedom.

That's right, the people who screwed up pay no penalty at all, and while the victims have to pay their own bills or hope a legal team will work for them pro bono, those in the wrong have all the resources of the public purse at their disposal.

In other words, they use other people's money to act illegally, and do so with impunity.

1 comment:

  1. The people who lost the case basically have no consequences. They aren't even out any money, since the awarded funding comes from the taxpayers.
    Still, a smidgen of justice might be better than none at all.
