Monday, May 01, 2023

Victims of Communism Remembrance Day

Did you forget?  I didn't.

I'm still an ardent believer in "better dead than Red" and "kill a commie for your mommy".

What's the practical difference between a Nazi/fascist and a communist?  Communists had better PR.  One was national socialism, the other was international socialism--no difference.  As Darth Sidious said:


  1. Communists had better PR.

    No kidding.

    A long time ago, I was doing lunch duty with a veteran Social Studies teacher who was the old style liberal who could disagree, without being disagreeable. We were talking about the liberal Congress, and she mentioned that going too far in the other direction is fascism. I made the same point you made, that the Nazis were national socialists.

    She knew that, but never thought about it. She's a smart lady, I was really surprised. The PR machine did an impressive job of promoting the idea that the opposite of communism is fascism.

  2. Did she amend her view?
