Sunday, May 14, 2023

Of All The Reasons For A Strike...

If you're going to go on strike, it should be over pay, benefits, and/or working conditions.  Anything else is just foolish:

Furious parents marched their children across picket lines of striking teachers in Oakland, California, on Friday on the seventh day of a strike in which teachers are demanding reparations for slavery, among other demands.

Even Governor Newsollini is backing away from slavery reparations:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom declined to endorse the cash payments — which could reach as high as $1.2 million for a single recipient — recommended by his reparations task force, telling Fox News Digital that dealing with the legacy of slavery "is about much more than cash payments." 

"The Reparations Task Force’s independent findings and recommendations are a milestone in our bipartisan effort to advance justice and promote healing. This has been an important process, and we should continue to work as a nation to reconcile our original sin of slavery and understand how that history has shaped our country," Newsom said in a statement to Fox News Digital. 

It'll be quite "healing" when people who were never slaves are told they're "entitled" to $1.2 million from a state that never allowed slavery, and then they don't get the money.

Race hustling should have no place in American politics, but it has a home--no, a palace--in the Democrat Party.


  1. This could be fun if everyone was more intellectually curious and less opportunistic.

    What counts as Black? Genetic testing companies like 23andMe have plenty of data and report that people who consider themselves Black are 30% White.

    Not all Blacks were slaves and some Blacks owned slaves.

    What about Blacks who immigrated here after slavery? In my experience teaching and working with 1st gen Black immigrants, they want nothing to do with racial nonsense and consider this a land of opportunity.

    My people came here in 1906. Slavery is none of my business.

    Northern states didn't have slaves, and neither did most White Southerners.

    Do we get credit for urban renewal, affirmative action, entitlement programs and fighting the Civil War?

    What if we just removed race from all governmental records?

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    do you ever stop and think for just a moment? black people have always been at the very bottom of America’s priority list. Slavery has NEVER affected you and never will. Stop speaking in black people if you don’t know what it’s like. We may not have been slaves ourselves but my grandmas and grandpas were and it set my ENTIRE family behind from the very beginning. check your privilege before you come for an ENTIRE community. After slavery, we were promised “forty acres and a mule” and NEVER got them. Shut up for once and listen instead of speaking. your presence is enough to bore the world we really do not care what you think of us. you should be put in a muzzle to finally get you to stop talking

  3. OR you can just *not* visit this blog. I like that option better.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      even better option, if you don’t like it here, leave. Be right on the right coast

  4. Anna A5:28 PM


    I'm Irish, and don't forget the signs that said, "No Irish need apply" and the stereotypical cartoon of the Irish drunkard. Not to mention we were starved by the English because of the potato blight, that destroyed them in the fields. All the rest of the food grown was for the English. And we were persecuted because we were Catholics.

    Yes, bad things happened in the past, including problems between our ancestors because No body wants to be at the bottom of the pile.

    But when are you moving back to Africa where you are the majority race?

  5. Nah. I've long suffered under California's high cost of living. I'll get that high-cost-of-living pension and then move somewhere not only cheaper, but governed better.
