Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Now I Understand The Appeal

I've seen lots of articles about "Such and such a study proves conservatives are horrible people" or whatever nutjob belief the study or article's author wants to spread about conservatives, as if we're all something besides mostly correct.  So imagine my surprise when I read about a study showing lefties are horrible people...not that you need a study for that, of course, just look at the results of their policies.  But I digress:

A new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Current Psychology reports that liberals are as nutty as a porta potty on the last day of a peanut convention...

Leftists aren’t frothing from the mouth crazy, but when you put it all together, leftists are self-absorbed liars who direct and move opinions to match their own. They are also heartless, without a conscience. They make knee-jerk opinions and never look at the long-term effects of the policies they support and are misanthropic.

I've long said that "We conservatives think lefties are wrong, lefties think we conservatives are evil."  What if I've been wrong all along, and lefties are more than just wrong, but are in fact evil?  This study seems to support that!

I never bought into the "conservatives are evil" so-called studies, and I'm not going to buy into this "lefties are evil" study, either (although their policies are patently evil).  But I can see the draw of such studies for people incapable of thinking for themselves:  they have the imprimatur of science! behind them, and they can give people a brief sense of superiority over "the other".  Fun times.


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

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  2. When you have something to say that addresses what I wrote, I'll consider posting it. Until then, no.
