Monday, May 08, 2023

Made Me Look Good

For some silly reason, certain probability and statistics topics are included in our integrated math standards.  It's like including a couple topics in cell biology in a physics course, it just doesn't make sense.  And for that reason our math teachers have usually skipped those standards in the past.

In order to raise test scores, though, since these standards are identified as super-dooper-important standards, our integrated math teachers have decided that they need to teach these standards.  Today during my Financial Math class, one of those teachers popped his head into my class and asked, "What's the probability of getting a royal flush?  I answered, "Being dealt one?  One in 649,740."  He paused a moment and then asked, "Is that the same as 4 out of 52-C-5?"  (52C5 is a shorthand for the number of unique groups of 52 objects taken 5 at a time.)  I answered, "Yes, and it simplifies to 1 out of 649,740."  He said thanks and closed the door.

My students were looking at me, seemingly flabbergasted.  How could I know that, they asked, off the top of my head?

They don't need to know the actual reason.  It's enough that impressed them with my math knowledge.

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