Sunday, April 09, 2023

Family Mottos

I wish I'd read some of these when I was raising my son.  Instead, the best I probably used most often was "a place for everything, and everything in its place."  At the very least I've never lost my car keys.

I do remember once when my son searched for quite some time for something.  When he finally found it I teasingly said to him, "Where is its place?  If it had been in its place, you'd have found it right away."  He teasingly replied, "When I put it there, that was its place."

I've still never lost my car keys.


  1. I always liked: Responsibility can never be given, it can only be taken.

  2. If we had a family motto growing up, it was from dad.

    "Keep your shit-hooks off of my tools."

  3. Our family motto became "how hard can it be?" Teacher daughter puts on a play for the first time,,,"how hard can it be?" My son renovated his attic (and surprised his inlaws by not hiring people.) "how hard can it be?"

    I'm wanting to repair the riding mower. I have my late husband's tools and the youtube..."how hard can it be?"

    A varience of this when my husband said, "why hire people, I have children?" OUr then teenage son found out about work blisters when we replaced the crappy wood fence.

    My son is now claiming this as his motto..."I know what I'm doing."
