Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Unlawful Trespass

I never considered the January 6, 2021 incursion into the Capitol to be an "insurrection".  (Usually when people intend to overthrow their government, they do so when armed.)  To me, rather than an "insurrection", at most the people were guilty of unlawful trespass.  That so many have been sentenced to years in prison, well, I never thought I'd live to see the day that we'd have political prisoners in the United States.

I have nothing to add to this:

ROGER KIMBALL: Tucker Carlson bulldozes the January 6 ‘insurrection’ narrative.

Tucker Carlson showed how the anti-Trump battalions had lied about January 6. Liz Cheney and her Kangaroo Court lied about what happened. So did Nancy Pelosi and the regime media.

Jacob Chansley, the behorned and painted veteran who became the face of the protest because of his outlandish getup, was not a violent insurrectionist. He was a mannerly protestor who prayed publicly in the Capitol and was politely escorted through its halls by several Capitol police officers. Why, many people will wonder, has he been sentenced to five years in jail? Schumer and the media charged that Carlson “sanitized” what happened that day by “cherry-picking” the video. But it was clear to anyone who watched Carlson’s presentation that it was the J6 Committee that did the cherry-picking.

Back in September 2021, I gave a talk on what I called “the January 6 insurrection hoax.” The anti-Trump lobby did not like what I had to say. It is delicious to be vindicated so publicly.

A hurt dog barks. I expect to be surrounded by a lot of howling as the public digests what Carlson aired. It’s going to be an effervescent election season.

As a result of Chuck Schumer’s meltdown, last night, “Fox News had more total and 25 to 54 year old demo viewers than MSNBC, CNN, Newsmax & NewsNation combined.”

Yeah, what he said.


  1. Tucker Carlson has and will continue to do a huge favor for our country by showing us our own videos of the Jan 6 proceedings. This has caused those on the left to go completely mad, and I love it.

  2. Anonymous12:31 AM

    I know it's very hard for you to ever question your own political party, but I'm always still a little bit sad when you choose party over country. Oh well.

  3. Darren, don’t forget this:

    Amendment VI (6th Amendment – Rights of Accused in Criminal Prosecutions)

    In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

    Some people have been sitting in jail for over a year for a misdemeanor offense. Where is the ACLU?

    Oh, right…

  4. Anonymous, I question my own party quite often--but this is not one of those times.

    And when I do, I don't do it here. "Airing dirty laundry" and all that.

  5. And there's this:
