Friday, March 31, 2023


Leftists have such a strange view of responsibility.  For example, an adult can't be responsible for a student loan contract he/she signed, but a child can make choices about getting body parts cut off.  I'm all for personal responsibility, which is why I think this sets such a bad example:

Contraceptive access throughout California high schools was on the docket for Wednesday’s Senate Education Committee meeting, where people in support and opposition took the stand.

If it the bill progresses — and eventually passes in the Senate — free condoms would be available to all students starting the 2024-2025 school year...

Contraceptives would be free to students. Schools would also be required to post at least one notice with information specifying how to use the condoms.

Wednesday’s discussion revolved around high school students, but the language in the bill specifies it would apply to grades 7 through 12, which includes two years of middle school for some.

If passed and signed by the governor, the bill would create a state-mandated local program. It would also require schools to provide sexual health information with students and make them aware of the availability of free contraceptives.

Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, coauthored the bill...

Teens who are sexually active face significant barriers accessing contraceptives, including stigma, judgmental providers, limited transportation and cost, said Maura Decker, associate professor at the Institute for Health and Policy Studies School of Medicine, at the UC San Francisco, said during the public comment Wednesday.

I call B.S. on that last part.

In December an Instagram poll was conducted by the Teen Source, a sex education site for California teens, where 55% of teens voted that they would agree to use condoms if they were easier to obtain, Menijivar said.

If you're a big enough boy to have sex, you can buy your own condoms.  "I'd use them more if they were free" is such a childish cop-out.

Just another California leftie proposal to bypass parents and sexualize teenagers.


  1. A lot of CA middle schools start in 6th grade, so this would be for 11 year olds too.

  2. A couple of years backI got into a "warm" discussion with my very liberal nephew (need I say more, he got a big pay raise and spent it on a Tesla because everyone else in the office had one, trading in a paid off SUV) over the issue of parental rights. I explained to him he should "get his head off of his ass" before a school official brings his daughter for an abortion without his knowledge. He said, "No issue with it." I really am not sure if he was serious, or just trying to get under my skin. But if a school official does something f***ed up like that (givers her a breast binder or provides testosterone shots) I will have to remind him that he has "No issue with it."

  3. I explained to him he should "get his head off of his ass" before a school official brings his daughter for an abortion without his knowledge. He said, "No issue with it."

    Oh yeah, like that's going to happen.
