Thursday, March 30, 2023

Newsollini's Hissy Fit

It doesn't matter that it was a stupid policy in the first place, so that Governor Newsollini could like like he was striking a blow for dingbat-left causes.  It's nothing but virtue signalling, and maybe someday it will be overturned:

A lawmaker in California is hoping to overturn the state's ban on government funding for travel to states with laws they find discriminatory.

Since 2016, California has been steadily adding to its list of U.S. destinations barred from state-funded travel. The practice began in retaliation to North Carolina enacting a law requiring people to use the bathrooms that corresponded with their biological sex.

State Sen. Toni Atkins is seeking to overturn the prohibition, saying that the cumbersome regulations should be replaced with a marketing campaign promoting inclusion.

The San Diego State men's basketball team, for example, made the Final Four for the first time in its history, but is banned from paying for travel to Texas to compete. The NCAA is footing the bill, according to San Diego State...

Currently, Californians are prohibited from government-expensed travel to a total of 23 states. 

The ban has caused major issues outside of politics, such as sports teams at public universities that are unable to use state funds for many travel games.

However, many California officials are against repealing the ban on the grounds that it would be a tacit approval of laws they feel are discriminatory.


  1. NCAA shouldn't have paid for it. Better to have them forfeit and show the stupidity of the law.

  2. Which is exactly *why* the NCAA paid for it.
