Saturday, March 04, 2023

My Exact Thoughts On The Student Loan Issue


  1. I favor a type of "forgiveness" in which the SCHOOL which took the money has a stake in the game. In other words, if they are taking money for degrees which don't lead to employment enough to repay the loan, then they are liable for repayment.
    That should shut the tuition machine down pretty quickly.

  2. I disagree, Pseudotsuga. Universities should be in the business of providing an education, not necessarily job training. I wouldn't mind much if govt provided the educational equivalent of nutrition labels for universities, though.

  3. Anna A4:13 PM

    Don't forget to add warnings about degrees including the effect of advanced degrees. Some advanced ones are needed, but others just cost money.

  4. I'm holding out hope that they make it retroactive. By two or three decades. Fingers crossed!

  5. A point made by a friend. If Dirty Joe wants to buy votes by using the money of the 2/3s of the public who do not have a college degree, why not take money from this with college degrees to pay for the tools, vehicles, training of people in the trades (e.g., carpenters, plumbers, etc).

    Personally, I am more with the meme here. I took out around 8K in student loans in the mid 80s, and I paid it all back by the mid 90s. My master's was paid for in a combo of two GI bills, and a tuition reimbursement plan from my employer.

    My wife has thousands in student loan debt to repay, and she is making progress. It never occurred to either of us to have a 3rd party, other than an employer as part of the benefits package, pay for this debt.

    I have a niece who is drug dealer. She got her doctorate in pharmacology a few years back. As she said, "I will walk out after 4 yeas of post graduate school with a degree I can use anywhere, around 150K in student load debt, and I'll walk into a six figure salary with a company happy to pay for my education.

    Not too many victim studies degrees needed out there.

  6. Nutrition labels not only for universities but also the majors they offer.

    Student loan amounts could be based on potential income of the major pursued.

    Of course the counter argument to that is what happens to a declared med student who switches to gender studies? Of the fact that many freshman don't have to declare until the second or even third year?
