Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Lefties Gotta Leftie

And that means violence, graffiti, destruction, and lies:

About 100 protesters at the University of California, Davis, surrounded a venue attempting to disrupt an event Tuesday evening headlined by conservative personality and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. The event was organized by the school’s Turning Point chapter.

The protesters, who were mostly wearing black, clashed with law enforcement officers and other students, including attendees of the event, as they smashed windows, hurled eggs, used pepper spray and blocked people from entering the University Credit Union Center, where the event was held.

There were at least two arrests.

"Not a peaceful protest at all," Twitter CEO Elon Musk tweeted after photos and videos of the protest surfaced on social media.

The major Sacramento rag repeated some blood libel that they eventually had to retract:

An op-ed with the Sacramento Bee posted ahead of the event called for its cancelation (sic), alleging Kirk to have called for the "lynching" of trans people.

"Charlie Kirk has called for the lynching of trans people, a comment that should warrant the cancelation of his speaking engagement at UC Davis," the outlet said in a since-deleted tweet.

The op-ed also called Kirk a "fascist speaker."

Kirk denied ever calling for such action and threatened to sue the outlet, which deleted the op-ed. 

UC Davis, which I've long referred to as Berkeley-lite, clearly sided with the rioters while pretending to support the First Amendment:

As a public university, we must uphold the right to free speech, as guaranteed under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, even when that speech may be hateful, offensive or abusive," the school said.

How do you descend into totalitarianism and tyranny?  Slowly at first, and then suddenly.

Update, 3/16/23This doesn't surprise me at all:

Hours before a Turning Point USA event that turned violent thanks to Antifa agitators who smashed windows and tried to storm into the event, the chancellor of University of California Davis condemned Charlie Kirk as a purveyor of “hate” and “misinformation.”

While he accused Kirk of spreading “misinformation,” the chancellor himself made false claims about the conservative group leader....

Lefties couldn't tell the truth if they tried.

1 comment:

  1. PhillipMarlowe5:01 PM

    They should have just left it as “Charlie Kirk is an asshole!”
    They would have found few dissenters!
