Friday, February 03, 2023

Teach Civics, Not Activism

When they can't give you good government, they give you "woke" government.  When they can't give you good education, they give you "woke" education.  Teaching students to be "activists" is so much easier than teaching them civics, as if it's even difficult to prey on the emotions of teenagers:

Politically engaged but ignorant is not a great combo.

In a new RAND survey, they write, more K-12 teachers said civics education is about promoting environmental activism than “knowledge of social, political, and civic institutions.” Hess and Martin call that "nuts." Eager to engage students, "too many teachers think of civics instruction as a chance to promote a particular policy agenda," they write...

"It’s hard to imagine what could be more self-destructive to the democratic project than encouraging students who can't name the three branches of government to vigorously, vociferously demand that they get their way," they write.

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