Friday, January 06, 2023


In last Tuesday's post, which I scheduled before I left, I said I might go to Xochimilco.  I did, and it took quite awhile to get there--the end of the subway line, to the end of the light rail line, and then a mile or so walk to the embarcaderos--but that's just me experiencing Mexico.

I only saw the touristy part of the remnants of the Aztec canals and floating islands, but it was still pretty cool.  On DVD I have old Pan Am travel videos from the 1950s, and the only differences between then and now are the crowds and the fact that then, the boats were smaller and covered with flowers, but not anymore.  Still, it was pretty cool.

There's a house for sale on the canal opposite the Nuevo Nativitas Embarcadero.  If Mexico had an MLS system I'd look up how much it costs!  It had some wide steps leading from the back patio right down to the canal.  Imagine, people-watching and live music all day!  Get hungry, need a drink?  Call one of the "vendor" boats over, have a meal!

Sounds like retirement heaven to me.

click to enlarge

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