Monday, December 05, 2022

You Can Expect This When Government Is In The Suicide Business

Combine government-run health care with "medical assistance in dying", as they do up north in Canada, and this is what you get:

Canada's Veterans Affairs office offered to assist a Paralympian and veteran to commit suicide when she sought to have a wheelchair lift installed in her home, the woman told lawmakers last week.

Christine Gauthier, a 52-year-old retired corporal who competed in the 2016 Paralympics at Rio De Janeiro, testified to lawmakers that a VA official had offered — in writing — to provide her with a medically-assisted suicide kit. The case officer remains unnamed but reportedly made similar offers to at least three other veterans, according to the Independent.

"I have a letter saying that if you’re so desperate, madam, we can offer you MAID, medical assistance in dying," Gauthier said in a hearing before the House of Commons veterans affairs committee.

The rot up there has grown so much, so fast.  What happened to those people?

1 comment:

  1. So when someone is felling down and out the first thing you do is tell them the Guv'mint will help them punch out? What kind of mental health service is that?
