Saturday, December 17, 2022

Why Is DIE Becoming A Thing In Math?

What's the difference between these two beliefs:

1)  Racist, 1950:  Dark-skinned people aren't like white people, their brains and bodies are different.  They should be treated differently.


2)  So-called anti-racist, 2022:  Dark-skinned (and other so-called marginalized people) aren't like white people, their brains and bodies are different.  They should be treated differently.

There's no difference.

So what explains this?

At a recent mathematics education conference in Nashville, Tennessee, scholars pushed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion agenda. Campus Reform obtained exclusive audio and images from the meeting.

Occam's Razor tells me the reason for this is because teaching and learning math both require more effort than teaching and learning race-based hatred about math.  These people are taking the path of least resistance.

As I've said so many times before:  If they can't give you good government, they'll give you "woke" government.  If they can't give you good education, they'll give you "woke" education.

Who are these so-called marginalized people?  Where are they from, Africa?  Mexico?  East Asia?  Here's a thought experiment for you.   Go to Algebra 1 classes in Kenya, in South Africa, in Egypt, in Mexico, in China, and observe what is being taught and how it is being taught.  Then tell these so-called marginalized people they're doing it wrong.

This DIE crap will only keep students from learning.  It will keep people uneducated and dependent.  It serves no one but the powerful lefties who use it for their own power.  And that's why I change the letters around a bit from how it's usually written.

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