Wednesday, December 07, 2022

When Will They Realize They're The Bad Guys?

If you think you know better what's good for kids than their parents, strictly because their parents disagree with you on a controversial topic, you're the bad guy.  If you have to have policies in place to keep information from parents, you're the bad guy:

An email unearthed by parents at an Indiana high school has revealed a districtwide support plan for students undergoing gender transition and a policy to withhold and hide information from students’ parents.

An Aug. 16 email sent by a counselor at Pendleton Heights High School in Pendleton, Indiana, informed teachers that a student had changed genders, provided new pronouns, and said teachers should not inform the student’s parents because they were “not supportive of the decision"...

Jason Payne, a parent with a child in that school district, South Madison Community School Corporation, told The Daily Signal in a text: “If staff at South Madison are willing to lie to parents about this—what else are they willing to lie about? How can I be assured my kid is safe while he’s at Pendleton if they can’t be trusted to be honest with me?”

In my district, too, we're under gag orders in some cases.  I remember a case several years ago in which two students were suspended for some serious making out at school.  In the conference with the parents, participants were not allowed even to indicate the sex of the other person (including using sex-based pronouns) because doing so would have "outed" the students involved.

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