Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Local Wildlife

My neighborhood of 1200-square-foot houses is over 60 years old. We humans have been here quite some time. I'm the third generation to live in this house! Not too far away is a creek, though, and with it what counts for "nature" in these parts. 

Periodically I'll look out front and see the wild turkeys out on my lawn or down the street. Even given their size they're somewhat skittish. (Side note: gawd, turkeys are dumb. Dumb animals. What was Franklin thinking?) 

Anyway, lately I've learned that I have a new animal neighbor. Usually s/he comes between midnight and 1 am, but this morning was out there after 7:30:

Such videos are as close as I want to come to this "neighbor". 

(This has been posted for awhile and still the video hasn't rendered.  It's very short and in a format Blogger accepts.  Hmm.  In case it never renders, it shows security camera footage of a skunk running up my walk and across the front of my house.)

Update, 12/29/22:  Tried it again after converting the file from mp4 to avi.  Now you can see my furry neighbor.

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