Monday, December 26, 2022

Raising The Minimum Wage

FightFor15, baby. We told you this is where it would lead:

McDonald’s opened its first automated restaurant, with machines handling everything from taking orders to delivering the food – and dividing opinions everywhere. 

"When you step inside the test restaurant concept, you'll notice it's considerably smaller than a traditional McDonald's restaurant in the U.S.," McDonald’s said in a statement. "Why? The features—inside and outside—are geared toward customers who are planning to dine at home or on the go."

The Fort Worth, Texas, location uses technology to minimize human interaction when ordering and picking up food. The restaurant features an "Order Ahead Lane" where customers can receive orders by conveyor belt, Newsweek reported. 

The initiative is part of McDonald’s "Accelerating the Arches" plan, which works to grow and innovate the customer experience...

People who knew better still pushed for it. Why? To force people out of jobs and into more reliance on government? 

This was not an unpredictable result.  When people push ideas with predictable effects, they can be held accountable for those effects.  So good job, lefties.  Perhaps I should go buy some McDonald's stock now, as their amortized costs will be going down.


  1. I wonder when we'll be able to get frozen McD's and take it home to heat up. The drive thru lines are out of the mall parking lot daily at InanOut and McD's in some locales; an owner could expand to six times the volume at dinner time and still need more. The grocers can't stock enough take home & reheat meals. Time to lease out the public school cafeterias and provide dinner to all, they've got the location, the drive through lanes, the ginormous parking lot, the freezers. The calories/dollar can't be beat in my locale.

  2. Albertson's grocery was an early adopter of self check out. The result was most of the long time checkers at my local store were fired. And self checkout isn't the trouble free option they hopes. Walmart is citing self-checkout for shortages and theft that may force some stores to close. The cost of raising the minimum wage will be rolled into the cost of every single good and service, much the way higher fuel prices add to costs of production and delivery. Such increases become largely the burden of the customer. And so it will be with higher taxes on corporations when the Biden administration raises taxes on them.

  3. I does amaze me at the number of highly educated people who don't understand this concept. Raise the cost of raw materials, the market will adjust. Raise the cost of power, the market will adjust. Raise the cost of labor, the market will adjust. It will adjust by passing the cost on to the consumer or it will find a way to reduce the cost.

  4. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Shrinkflation surely seems to be on the rise too. One of our family's favorite "cheap" foods, Reeser's frozen burritos, look like they are about 1/3 smaller than they used to be.
