Wednesday, December 14, 2022

He Worked For President Trump So He Must Be Cancelled

Talking about Dr. Ben Carson here:

Dr. Carson grew up in a Detroit housing project before going on to become a ground-breaking neurosurgeon. He became the youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery in the nation at the age of 33. In 1987 he led the surgical team that performed the first successful separation of conjoined twins. Carson is famed in his field for developing new surgery techniques and successfully managing some of the most difficult pediatric neurosurgery cases in the nation.

Dr. Carson was also the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development during the Trump administration.

It is astounding that a Black man who is the epitome of the American dream – grew up in the projects and went on to become one of the most famed surgeons in the world and then work in one of the highest positions in American government – and have all his accomplishments nullified because he holds the same political beliefs as half of the country.

They didn’t like his boss so they cancel him.   Is it that, or is it because he left the Democratic plantation?  Whichever is the reason--and it's one of those two--Detroit is renaming a school they'd named for him. 

Not sure if it’s sad or sickening, but it’s one of those two.

1 comment:

  1. He's an amazing man. I read his autobiography "Gifted Hands" and I'm saving it for when my grandson is old enough and needs a biography to read. His story is compelling and I cannot believe people are callous enough to cancel him.
