Saturday, December 31, 2022

Bison vs Buffalo

Recently, as in the last month or so, I had a conversation about bison.  Because of my advanced age I cannot even remember who I had the darned conversation with, but I remember pulling out my phone and showing the picture I took at Yellowstone of a nearby bison.  Anyway, part of the discussion was about how in America we don't have buffalo, we have bison--not that I know the difference, of course, but that was kinda the joke.

Well, we now have 13 fewer bison:

Multiple bison died near the western entrance of Yellowstone National Park in Montana on Wednesday after being struck by a semi-truck, according to police.

“Thirteen bison were killed in this traffic accident, with some of the bison needing to be euthanized due to severe injuries,” said the West Yellowstone Police Department in a news release posted to Facebook on Friday.

I just wonder how fast you have to be driving such that you kill or morally injure 13 bison at once. 

1 comment:

  1. They are pretty big. But then, so is a semi-truck. I hope they harvested the meat that was salvageable.
