Friday, December 16, 2022

Anyone Wanna Go Halfsies With Me?

You think I'm kidding, but I'm not:

Ever dreamed of owning your own secret citadel in a beautiful region of Italy, wandering along its fortified walls like a monarch surveying their kingdom?

For less than the price of a townhouse in central London or an attic apartment in Rome’s historic center – that dream can now come true.

The medieval castle and hamlet of Serravalle, half-way between the cities of Modena and Bologna in Italy’s northern Emilia Romagna region, is up for sale for 1.9 million euros, or about $2 million.

Already livable and fitted with heating, it requires just minimal fixes – and the price is negotiable. 

Set in green rolling hills, the castle comes with a portion of the village, which bears the same name and was once part of its fiefdom, lying at its feet.

Update, 12/18/22:  I think I've found the location on Google Earth:

Its WSW of Bologna, where the red pin is on the map.


  1. If I sold my house and gathered all my money I *might* be able to come up with 1/4, so I guess it comes down to *how much* of the village is included.

    Anyone else?
