Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Will Affirmative Action Survive Yesterday's Latest Supreme Court Appearance?

Yesterday the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Harvard and North Carolina cases regarding the future of affirmative action. Here are articles representing each side of the argument:

Going back to Regents of the University of California v. Bakke in 1978, the court has said there is a compelling state interest in taking race into account in university admissions processes — seeing a need to remedy past de jure and de facto discrimination against certain groups. Some Supreme Court affirmative action cases have also recognized the educational benefits of having a racially- and ethnically-diverse student body.


The same year the SFFA sued the University of North Carolina, it filed a separate lawsuit against Harvard, challenging Harvard’s use of race in the admissions process under Title VI, alleging that “the university discriminates against Asian American applicants,” and “arguing that they are less likely to be admitted than similarly qualified white, Black, or Hispanic applicants.”


You can probably guess where my sympathies lie.

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