Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Death, Maybe Not Even Warmed Over

I got home from Texas Sunday evening, and felt fine at work on Monday. This morning, however, I didn't feel so great.  As the day wore on, I felt worse and worse, until by quitting time I was in total agony.

I drove home and got in bed immediately.  I just got up and requested a substitute for tomorrow, as there's no way I'll feel well enough to go to work tomorrow.  I have a home covid test but I can't use it right now, perhaps in the morning I'll feel well enough to give it a try.

Now I'm going back to bed.  I had hoped to watch the news reports of today's red wave, but that's not going to happen.


  1. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Thankfully, and by the grace of God to save America, your fascist party is losing!

  2. Red wave didn't happen either.

  3. Hope you are feeling better today!

  4. Oh, "anonymous", it seems you have a burning fever as well.

    Steve, looks like I didn't miss much.

    PeggyU, to quote Monty Python, I'm not dead yet. That's not a very high standard, though, is it.

  5. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Best midterm for the party in power since the "rally-'round-the-flag" midterms of 2002. But by all means, cling to those MAGA hats and Trumpism. Kevin McCarthy will be the biggest asset the Dems could hope for.

  6. Yes, anonymous, I'm feeling slightly better, thank you for asking.

    Last weekend, Army beat the spread against Air Force. Army still got the L, Air Force still got the W.

    Beating the spread but losing control of the House--I mean, the game--is still losing.

    My side is coming out of this election better than when we went in. I'll take the win.
