Monday, November 28, 2022

After School Satan Club

From the major Sacramento newspaper:

An elementary school has approved an “After School Satan Club” in California, and parents are upset, according to news outlets. 

The club meets “at select public schools where Good News Clubs and other religious clubs meet,” according to the program’s website. The classes are “designed to promote intellectual and emotional development.” 

Golden Hills Elementary School in Kern County’s Tehachapi approved the Satanic Temple and Reason Alliance sponsored program to begin on Dec. 5, and parents are sharing their opinions on Facebook, according to Tehachapi News.

Yes, the Satan Club is a swipe at Christians and their clubs.  So what?  If you don’t want your kids to attend, then don't allow them to attend.  Seems pretty simple to me.  I fear some will take the leftie route of trying to ban what they don't like, and lose a First Amendment case whilst emboldening despicable people.


  1. For elementary students? What if they start a club and nobody shows up?

  2. Anna A2:57 AM

    While the idea weirds me out, as long as the Satan Club and the Good News Clubs (and other Christian type clubs, such as a pro-life group) are treated the same. Same guidelines, same faculty supervision etc., more power to them.

  3. Sounds like a ploy to bait Christians to get mad about it and hopefully sue. If they win their case, then other side can sue the school to remove Christian groups for the same reason.

    Almost seems as if whomever created the Satan group decided they wanted to oust the Christian groups but didn't want to pay lawyers. Therefore, get the Christian groups to pay the lawyers and set the precedence of removing groups based on religion. If that is what it is, brilliant.

    Let's see if the Christians rise to the bait.
