Tuesday, October 25, 2022

"Woke" German

I took 3 years of German in high school.  I respect the language, notwithstanding the fact that every noun has one of three genders (masculine "der", feminine "die", and neuter "das") versus the one in English (the).  The Germans are very proud of their language; to be honest, I was a bit surprised when the German government did away with umlauts and resorted to merely placing an "e" after the formerly umlauted letter (probably makes keyboarding easier).  Perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised, given their so-called Teutonic efficiency.

Getting rid of umlauts is one thing, changing their language to satisfy a few weirdos who kneel at the altar of "inclusion" and "wokeness" is entirely another--and I'm sure they'll have none of it:

Linguists have slammed Cambridge University for teaching and encouraging students to speak a new form of gender-neutral German.

The university's 'inclusive language' section of the £9,250-per-year German course aims 'to use gender- and non-binary-inclusive language' in both speech and writing.

The push for inclusive language likely stems from German's use of the male form when referring to the plural form of words, which some argue is sexist and doesn't account for non-binary people.

Actually, all plurals are "die", which is feminine, but we'll overlook this one small error.

However, experts argue attempting to converse in the 'woke version' of the ancient language 'stand a good chance of making a fool of themselves.'

The Germans are very forgiving of people who try to speak their language, but I can't believe they'll be very accepting of holier-than-thou foreigners' changing their language for them merely to satisfy a few political cultists.

1 comment:

  1. What also makes my jaw drop is the chain of command, or in other words, how many people green-lit this course before it was actually offered.
    That's a lot of people who prefer wokeness to reality.
