Monday, October 24, 2022

What An Idiot

Do people really mean stuff like this when they say it, or are they virtue signalling to show off their leftie bona fides?

Centennial School Board candidate Jessica Schwinn suggested white people who quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are racist and accused them of advocating for white supremacy.

I have to believe she knows such a view is unsupportable (by reason), yet she voices it anyway.  What gives?

1 comment:

  1. In one of my Education classes, the professor said, "If someone from a 100 years ago was brought to our time, a school is the only public building that they would understand the purpose of."

    I'm paraphrasing, but her point had something to do with the lack of innovation in teaching.

    She said it like the phrase was supposed to be profound. I asked if the person might be able to figure out the purpose of a library or courthouse. She was a little startled, but muddled through. I realized that she had been delivering that line to classes for years, but had never thought about it.

    That may apply to Ms.Schwinn. If challenged to support her statement, she'd be confused. "What, I'm just saying that white people are racist. It's axiomatic. Martin Luther King....amirite?"
