Monday, October 03, 2022

The 25th Amendment

Remember when the left breathlessly mentioned the 25th Amendment in reference to President Trump?  President Trump was obviously in possession of all his faculties, the lefties just didn't like that he didn't roll over for them like some other Republicans have.  Notice that they, who always screech about "our Democracy" (and they really do mean their democracy), are always willing to abuse the powers granted by the Constitution whenever they think they can get away with it.  Fortunately, they couldn't then.

Now, which president is more in need of being replaced due to 25th Amendment incapacitation--Donald Trump, respected (if not liked) by leaders all over the world whilst trying to drain the swamp here at home, or Slow Joe Biden, who mumbles his way through speeches and then starts to wander in any direction but the one in which his handlers want him to go?

You know why they're not talking about the 25th Amendment?  Because they like having President John Gill to push all their stupid anti-American ideas, even if he consistently says the wrong thing and those pulling the levers behind the curtain have to walk it back.

Perhaps the even bigger reason that no one is talking about the 25th Amendment is because dumping John Gill would leave Kamala Harris as president.  Let's be serious:  she's so unlikable that she dropped out of the presidential race before earning a single Democratic convention delegate, and she's as dumb as a box of hair. 

“It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree...”

Genius, this one.  And if you think that quote is a little unfair, take your pick from amongst these.  Or these.  Or these.

So if we get rid of John Gill, we're stuck with Kamala Harris.  It's hard to say which is worse.

We'll have to wait until a Republican is in the White House before we talk seriously about the 25th Amendment again.


  1. When Nancy Pelosi announced forming a committee to look a the use of the 25th Amendment in October 2020, I told my family it was not to seek its use against Trump. That was a cover for the Dems intent to use it for Biden. I predicted somewhere in the beginning of year three of Biden's Presidency they would use it to oust him and give Kamala a chance at being elected twice for a ~10 year administration.

    Only thing about my prediction is that now everyone realizes that Kamala was a poor decision. The original plan using the 25th will probably have to be scrapped.

  2. Your batcrap insane conspiracy theory...isn't out of the realm of possibility at all, sadly.
