Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Is This What Systemic Racism Looks Like?

It looks like the pro-abortion movement:

Dozens of states passed forced sterilization laws inspired by the eugenics movement and designed to, in Sanger’s words, encourage “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks-those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”

Given these historical realities, it’s no surprise that Planned Parenthood officials in recent days have sought to separate themselves from their founder’s genocidal views, but the reality that eugenics remains embedded in the abortion group’s very physical structure to this very day as seen in data cited by the Liberty Counsel brief:

According to the Centers for Disease Control’s most recent data, Black women accounted for 33.6 percent of all reported abortions in 2018, even though they make up 13 percent of women in the United States. Black women also had the highest abortion rate (21.2 abortions per 1,000 women) and ratio (335 abortions per 1,000 live births).

Further, abortion-induced deaths of the unborn in the Black community are 69 times higher than HIV deaths, 31 times higher than homicides, 3.6 times higher than cancer-related deaths, and 3.5 times higher than deaths caused by heart disease.”

You want to talk about structural racism in the United States? A map of Planned Parenthood’s clinic locations looks like Exhibit A:

The racial disparity in abortions is largely intentional: A study based on 2010 Census data shows that nearly eight out of ten Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are within walking distance of predominantly Black or Hispanic neighborhoods.

More specifically, Planned Parenthood intentionally located 86 percent of its abortion facilities in or near minority neighborhoods in the 25 U.S. counties with the most abortions.

These 25 counties contain 19 percent of the U.S. population, including 28 percent of the Black population and 37 percent of the Hispanic/Latino population. In 12 of these counties, Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos are more than 50 percent of the population.

Given such data, it’s impossible to avoid the conclusion that what Sanger wrote privately in a 1939 letter to a friend remains true today of Planned Parenthood...

The conclusion is the extermination of the Negro (sic) population.  

Don't go ballistic at me--Sanger said it, I just posted it.

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