Saturday, October 22, 2022

"Eco morons"

I think this “gluing” trend will end if more of the victims act like Volkswagen did:

Eco-demonstrators who glued themselves to the floor of a Volkswagen factory then moaned that their hands hurt and they could not go to the toilet have been arrested.

Nine activists from the Scientist Rebellion group broke into Autostadt, a museum and car showroom opposite Volkswagen's main factory in Wolfsburg, late on Wednesday and glued themselves to the floor of the Porsche pavilion.

They vowed to continue their protest until Volkswagen agreed to lobby ministers to decarbonise the transport industry.

But they began complaining after just a few hours that they had no food and staff had refused to bring them a bowl to defecate in...

As the protest got under way, Mr Grimalda tweeted: 'Together with 15 other members of Scientist Rebellion I have occupied the Porsche pavilion at Autostadt.

'Nine of us glued to the floor and some of us on hunger strike until our demands to decarbonise the German transport sector are met.'

But just two hours later, he had begun complaining that museum staff 'refused our request to provide us with a bowl to urinate and defecate in a decent manner while we are glued, and have turned off the heating'.

He added: 'People in support can get out of the building but then they couldn't get back in. We can't order our food, we must use the one provided by Volkswagen. 

'Lights off. Random unannounced checks by security guards with bright torches. Police just came in'...

Images showed dozens of riot police inside the pavilion and people being arrested outside, ending the protest on its second day. 

That Volkswagen provided them food and water shows more decency than I would have.  I support locking the building and coming back in a week.


  1. "I support locking the building and coming back in a week."

    Why not let the police and courts handle this to give them an easy win. I don't know anything about the legal system in Germany, but one call should get these people arrested. Slow walk them through the system, deny them bail and give them some jail time. Anyone in the system that shows leniency for these wreckers, should be removed.

    I know, in the US, many of our governmental organizations have failed. In that case, the government should completely disengage from incidents like this. Let individuals handle it. Bring in a lift truck, hook them under the arms, unstick them, and throw them in a dumpster.

  2. The police and courts can handle it *after* the idiots have denigrated themselves for a week.

  3. Anna A3:00 AM


    I would be wary of the German courts, based on what I have read about certain ethnic groups and sexual abuse up to and including rape.

    Personally, I like Darren's solution. I have to sigh with sadness that they expected to be taken care of, while glued to the floor. IF I were to protest like that I would have prepped everything.
