Friday, September 09, 2022

The Wheels of Justice

Sometimes the wheels of justice can turn slowly, but they do turn:

It looks like the Gibson family’s long struggle with Oberlin College is over, and the college will pay the judgment it has been fighting for years.

Oberlin issued a statement, and my previous statement that there is a special place in Hell reserved for Oberlin administrators is still in force: 

Notice what is not in the statement: An apology. Oberlin College still appears not to understand or accept what it did wrong. It considers itself the victim.

(added) There also was no apology, instead a dismissive attitude, in a mass email sent by the president of the college...

What Oberlin College appears to have lacked from the start was a level-head, and a disinterested ability to evaluate both the case and the defenses. Viciously attacking the Gibsons in the case never was going to work, yet it was the tactic pursued by the college through the trial and post-trial proceedings.

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