Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Perhaps, In Their Green-Induced Darkness, They Couldn't See A Map

CNN reports:

Descending up to 40 meters beneath the Baltic Sea, the world's longest immersed tunnel will link Denmark and Germany, slashing journey times between the two countries when it opens in 2029.

As you can see, Denmark and Germany already share a land border.


I can't imagine it takes very long at all to cross a land border :-)


  1. I went and read the article and it is pretty clear that the project is about linking the islands together. The capital of Denmark is on an island and the current land (bridge) route from Copenhagen to Hamburg takes over four hours. The tunnel will slash the time dramatically making it commercially viable to proceed with the project. While that particular sentence in the article could have been worded better, the article in no way gives the reader the concept (no land border) you imply with your one-liner.

    I despise CNN as much as you, but there are better examples of their incompetence than this article.

  2. Steve, perhaps you missed the smiley at the end of the post ;-)

  3. Saw it, didn't interpret it as you apparently intended.

  4. Sometimes my humor is much more apparent to me than it is to others, especially in a written medium. Oh well, I'll try another time.
