Friday, September 09, 2022


If you don't want to be considered a groomer, don't focus on teaching sex to other people's children:

A California teacher in the Capistrano school district posted about a "queer library" in her classroom that was filled with over 100 books – some of which contained sex imagery, information on orgies, sex parties and BDSM.

The teacher at San Juan Hills High School, identified on the school's website as Danielle Serio, is known as "Flint." Flint posted repeatedly on TikTok about books in the "queer library" and said it was available to students and has been active for five years. 

Why is it always Drag Queen Story Hour with other people's kids, rather than Drag Queen Pick Up Litter By The Freeway?  Why does this teacher need to focus on sexual activities rather than providing books on history or science?  To ask the questions is to answer them.

This entire (short) post says all that needs to be said.


  1. If you haven't seen this yet, it might be enlightening. Many in the LGB community experienced abuse as minors and they don't want that happening to kids. Some are loudly denouncing the entire "drag queen at the libarary" and "drag kids in parades". They are able to call it like it is. If you haven't seen this yet, you might want to watch it.

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      If gays are opposed to this, they should stop voting for politicians who enable it.

  2. Gays Against Groomers is a *real* group.
