Wednesday, September 28, 2022

College Free Speech Rankings

You can quarrel with their methodology if you want, but FIRE ranks the University of Chicago as #1 and Columbia in last place at #203.  

Is your school on the list?  Mine isn't, but as a military academy it wouldn't be expected to have strong free speech protections for cadets.  Local university Sac State isn't on the list, but UC Davis (aka Berkeley-lite) is.


  1. Pleased to see my son's school, Oregon State, is at #10.

  2. Lily R5:28 AM

    In undergrad at a tiny school in Montana- I was able to do a literature review and presentation on comparing schizophrenic and religious induced psychosis affects chemically and physically. Most of my class and my professors had a deep devotion to organized faith. I wonder if I’d be able to do the same thing at a larger university in western PA or if it would get censored.
