Monday, August 08, 2022

Under A Thousand

While our students don't show up until Thursday, we teachers were back at work today.  We have meetings, teacher work days, professional development, etc.

Unless I've made a error somewhere, I have 905 teaching days left in my career.


  1. I have 966 days until I retire. That is days, not workdays. Can't wait.

  2. I've often wondered what I'll do with all my time when I retire. Sure, I plan on a 3-month drive around the lower 48, followed by a month at home, followed by a round-the-world cruise. But then what?

    A friend of mine who retired 3 years ago is looking to get back into teaching because he's (wait for it!)...bored. I will certainly need a plan to occupy the next few decades.

  3. Anonymous7:33 AM

    This summer I met with our financial advisor and am on the same retirement path and timeframe as you. As a US history teacher, I just hope I can make it through the woke garbage WA keeps requiring. Thankfully I live on the “red” side of the Cascade curtain. Although, that is starting to change as the Puget Sounders flee the hell hole they created and bring their politics with them. With regard to what to do with time in retirement? …there are too many fish to catch, critters to chase and mountains to ski! Good luck to you this year, I enjoy your blog and appreciate the effort to keep it going.
