Friday, August 19, 2022

They've Done a 180

It was many years ago when I first heard eHarmony advertisements on the radio and tv.  They were strictly for heterosexuals--until the inevitable lawsuit.  eHarmony eventually started marketing its "scientific matching" to homosexuals as well.

The transformation is apparently complete, as last night while watching tv I saw an eHarmony commercial with two men--including a kiss.


  1. eHarmony and other dating sites usually have a large surplus of men. May as well open it gay guys, since not many women were showing up anyway.

  2. PeggyU9:35 PM

    Someone (I can't remember who) referred to it as eHornyme and now I can't read it the right way.

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I wonder if a lawsuit using similar logic could be used to force a vegetarian restaurant to serve meat.
