Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Probably The Right Legal Decision, But Disappointing Nonetheless

There's a special place in Hell being reserved for the Oberlin College administration and attorneys:

The Ohio Supreme Court this week ruled that Oberlin College can pause payments from a $36 million judgment the school faces for defaming a local grocery store while the school appeals the judgment.

In ruling against Oberlin, a jury in 2019 determined campus leaders had participated in a racially motivated smear attempt against nearby Gibson’s Bakery, a small 130-year-old grocery that had done business with the school for decades...

But the delay in payments have put the bakery defamed by Oberlin in a deep financial hole, and a spokesperson for the bakery said if the checks don’t start coming soon, it “may only survive for the next couple of months"...

“The Gibsons have correctly completed every step necessary to properly execute on its judgment and collect on the surety bond in this case,” says the Gibsons’ Supreme Court filing against Oberlin. “All that is left is for the surety to make the payment. Belatedly realizing their error, Oberlin asks this Court to come to its rescue. The Court should not.”

The Ohio Supreme Court has not indicated when it plans to take up the case.

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