Friday, August 05, 2022

Is This Really The Role of a State Governor?

It's more than unseemly for a state governor to act this way:

California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom called on the Hollywood film industry to bring back production moved to Oklahoma and Georgia amid pandemic lockdowns and rising crime, criticizing the Republican-controlled states over policies against abortion in a new ad published in Variety. 

The full-page spread, paid for by the Newsom campaign, is titled: "Hollywood: Your values, Your choice."

Also, state-funded travel to 22 states is forbidden for purely political reasons.  Gavin is, as is typical of those on the left (e.g., teachers unions), acting like a 3rd grader: "You can't be friends with them if you want to be friends with me."  And since they want to be friends with him....

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