Monday, August 15, 2022


I love posting about teenagers' heroic acts:

A group of Georgia high school football players quickly jumped into action to help save a 50-year-old woman who was involved in a serious car crash.

Rome High School football players Cesar Parker, Treyvon Adams, Antwiion Carey, Messiah Daniels, Tyson Brown and Alto Moore were just arriving at school on Friday when they witnessed the collision.

Smoke was seen pouring out from under the hood and fluid was pouring onto the intersection. The door of the vehicle was jammed, and the woman was unable to get out...

"They literally started using their strength to pry the door open, so the lady could be released. After a few seconds of pulling and pushing the door, the boys ended up opening it and helped her get out of the car. She was shaking and still in panic, but our RHS boys gave her comfort and were able to help her," (math teacher Luis) Goya wrote in a Facebook post.

Good job, guys.

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